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City of Dublin Crews Participate in the Annual SnowGo Road-eo

(Dublin, Ohio) — City of Dublin crews are fresh out of snow school, where they prepared for a safe and efficient snow removal season. A challenge course was set up in the rear parking lot at the City of Dublin Service Center, located at 6555 Shier Rings Road, where events ran from 7:30 a.m. through 3 p.m. The crews (or SnowGo warriors as we call them in Dublin) test their skills each year by completing different handling exercises and an obstacle course.

The group began the day with “snow school”, which is mandatory for all employees assigned to a snow route or on the auxiliary list. The road-eo is where the SnowGo Warriors put their skills to the test and perform many snow and ice activities similar to what they do in the field. During that time, participation is open to all employees. During lunch, winners of the road-eo are announced and given prizes for their efforts. Afterward, the SnowGo warriors are assigned to a snow route that they “dry run” in their assigned snow and ice truck.

During this dry run, they become familiar with their route and look for obstacles in the road, such as low-hanging tree branches, and snow storage locations. Supervisors are trained on the City’s SnowGo system, and they troubleshoot truck sensors and test system procedures. 

This yearly event is a great opportunity for our drivers to brush up on their skills, familiarize themselves with the trucks, show off their maneuverability talents and have a little fun.

During the road-eo, judges score the participants’ performance, and prizes are awarded for the various activities.

This year’s SnowGo Road-eo winners are:

Excavator Handling

  • First Place: Chance Nickles
  • Second Place: Vinnie Wells
  • Third Place: Brody Conde

Front End Loader Handling

  • First Place: John Jenkins
  • Second Place: Ken Casher
  • Third Place: Mike Scott

1 Ton Snow Plow

  • First Place: Kyle McKee
  • Second Place: Mike Vynalek

Snow Plow Obstacle Course

  • First Place: Austin Schlosser
  • Second Place: Lonnie Wells
  • Third Place: Jane Ballinger

Dublin residents, businesses and visitors can access more snow and ice information using the SnowGo web page or via the GoDublin app (available in the App Store or Google Play). When snow flies, get up-to-the-minute information on which Dublin streets have been treated, search the map by address to check recent activity on a specific street and receive timely, weather-related messages on any device at any time.


Media Contact:
Madi Kregel
Public Information Officer
614.410.4509 – Desk
614.917.3080 – Cell

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